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Geochemistry II

This course provides a quantitative treatment of thermodynamics, major element, trace element, stable isotope, and radiogenic isotope geochemistry and their applications to Earth processes at high temperatures. Topics include thermodynamics and using thermodynamic databases, equations of state, multicomponent fluids at high temperatures, solution models, phase diagrams, applications of chemical thermodynamics in petrology, applications of major elements in understanding igneous and hydrothermal processes, trace element classification and partitioning, and applications of trace element geochemistry to understanding igneous, sedimentary and hydrothermal processes. The use of radiogenic isotopes in geochronology, petrology and mineral deposits, and the use of stable isotopes in petrology and mineral deposits are discussed. PREREQ: GEOL 2807 and MATH 1036. (lec 3, lab 3) cr 3.

Earth Sciences